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PatchWorks originates in a project work at the FHT Esslingen, 2nd Semester of Software Engineering
PatchWorks reassembles an image with many small images, (patches) creating a photo mosaic.
The movie poster of "The Truman Show" is a well known example.
Another example: PatchWorks Logo
PatchWorks converts collections of images into "databases". The small images ("patches") in this databases are used to create Patchworks (photo mosaics).
Currently (Version 1.5) only truecolor bitmaps (*.bmp) are supported.
PatchWorks is a (win) console program and is controlled via parameters, what makes it usable in Batchfiles / Scripts.
In principal the programm should run for Linux, too. But some file system routines in FileSysHelp.c are not yet adapted. (volunteers welcome ;)
More Information is included in the user manual
Special Features |
- Adjustable tolerance that sets how exactly the patches have to match.
- A "PseudoPatchwork" helps to determine how good a patchwork will look with a certain amount of patches in a database.
- Some statistical output is given after a patchwork has benn created.
- One single file. No installation, no libraries.
Tech-Info |
Written in C (ANSI) |
OpenSource, free in the sense of the GNU Public Licence
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