438 visitors since 2004 [?]
What's Up? |
This program demonstrates the shifting of the discs of the towers of Hanoi:
All discs have to be shifted on an other staff, (one by one) while no disc may lay on a smaller one.
Learn more: (german)
Also included:
- Hanoi for Win-Console. (Sources should compile without a problem on other systems.)
- Hanoi for Console as a "Benchmark"...
Meassures the time needed to shift 26 discs and predicts how long it would need for 8-64 discs (64 discs would 'only' need 200,000 Years on a usual PC of the year 2003...)
Special Features |
- Towers of Hanoi is implemented iteratively. (Recursively was too easy *g*)
A recursive implementation was probably some thousandths slower...
Tech-Info |
Written in C (ANSI) |
OpenSource, free in the sense of the GNU Public Licence
Uses the open source, platform independent SDL-Libraries
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